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Show Topic: Over the last few years we have spent many shows discussing many concepts and theories regarding substance abuse, addiction, substance abuse treatment, and recovery. With the help of the National Institute of Health (NIH) we’ll review what the prevailing science is on Drug Use and Addiction. We will offer our commentary on where we agree and disagree (respectfully of course) with what the “science” says.
Show Segments: Recap/News/Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time
Show Topic: Early recovery (1st Trimester) is a time for adapting to life without drugs and or alcohol. Maintaining recovery requires both small, medium and large changes in all areas of ones life. These changes can seem and sometimes are in fact, overwhelming. This leads the early recovering addict to be in a state of vulnerability. We’ll discuss the top ten struggles (or issues) that a recovering addict may face in that early period.
Show Segments: News/Recap/Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time
SHOW TOPIC: In the immortal words of Vince Lombardi, we ask the eternal question of ” What the heck is going on here?’ Recent events indicate a troubling trend of what we used to call “stinkin thinkin”, bad decisions, and out an out intentional subversion of the theraputic recovery enviornment by those who have not yet decided if this recovery thing is for them. We gotta call it out ……..
Show Topic: Two Dreams, an Illinois based substance abuse program came up with an extensive list of emotional, mental, and physical exercises for addictics to engage in during the recovery process. We will go over a number of those items on their list that we believe are essential exercises or tools for a successful recovery process. We thank Two Dreams for coming up with the list
Show Segments: Recap/News/Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time
Show Topic: The concepts of the Therapeutic Community model of treatment, when broken down to itheir core, have a commonality. Practice. The methods or actions of the concept must be practiced daily by the recovering addict in order that those philosophies take hold. We’ll discuss why Practice is essential to the method of what sometimes look likes madness.
Show Segments: Recap/News/Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time
Show Topic: Relationships. The number one cause of relapse for those in Recovery (NSE). Why is that? We’ll discuss. There is old school industry dogma on when those in Recovery should pursue romantic relationships. We’ll discuss that. Why do romantic relationships birthed within the recovery environment fail? We’ll discuss that.
Show Segments: Recap/Sports/News, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time
Show Topic: The experience of recovery at its various stages, for many, can be one of fear, and anxiety. This often leads to the recovering addict to concsiously and subconsiously sabotage their recovery process leading to pre-relapse behavior and eventually a full blown relapse. We’ll discuss what (and sometimes who) leads to the sabotage of the recovery process and how it can be avoided or faced if the addict is in the midst of the sabotaging experience.
Show Segments: Recap/News, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time