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Occurring on 9/30/2021 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm at our Redwood City, California Campus, a record number of Graduates (23) were invited to the ceremony with 21 attending to receive their Graduation Diplomas in person. This was also the first OCG Graduation Ceremony that was simulcast live via YouTube and Zoom.
California, coming in line with the majority of States, moved to an average 30 day length of stay on January 1st, 2022 for the residential treatment modality. This in essence changes the focus of residential–from long term treatment to short term intervention, preparing the client for longer term treatment in the outpatient levels of care
SHOW TOPIC: The OCG programs have experienced and recovered from their own COVID related experiences since January 2021. We’ll discuss the outbreak, what we did to mitigate it, some good luck that we had, and where we are today.
Show Segments: News / Sports / Recap / Show Topic
SHOW TOPIC: Not everyone has a positive and life transforming experience when going through substance abuse treatment. Such is the case for today’s guest, who entered DAYTOP’s adolescent treatment program in Texas. He describes his experience in DAYTOP as negative and destructive which then caused him significant distress in his post treatment adult life. We’re going to give him an opportunity to speak to his experience and to learn how he has ultimately dealt with that experience.
Show Segments: News / Sports / Updates / Show Topic / Wrap-up
SHOW TOPIC: Today we interview the first 13 year old client for Daytop California to find out how her life went soon after Daytop and as she progressed through adulthood to present day.
Show Segments: News / Sports / Updates / Show Topic
SHOW TOPIC: In the last 2 months we’ve had to adapt our residential and outpatient treatment to the realities of COVID-19. We were incorporating video conferencing over the last 2 years in our staff meetings and trainings, so it wasn’t a large leap for us to move our groups and and other services to ZOOM based services. We’ll discuss how we did it and how it’s working!
Show Segments: News / Sports / Updates / Show Topic
SHOW TOPIC: January 2021 will see a new era of treatment in California. Most notably we will residential treatment reduce from its current 90 days to 30 days! What will this mean in the big picture of treatment and the recovery process. Let’s discuss how we’re preparing for this significant change in treatment.
Show Segments: News / Sports / Updates / Show Topic