Show Topic: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, or so they thought. Depending on which stage of the recovery spectrum you were or are at when the Holiday season comes upon you, will often determine which one of those phrases best applies. Neither are the be all and end all, as we must deal with both constructively.

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Show Segments: News-Sports-Recap, Show Topic

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: A Smorgasbord ……

Show Topic: We’ve been gone for 2 months. A number of things have transpired with OCG during that time that we want to talk about. We also have some gripes that we need to resolve.

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Show Segments: News / Sports / Updates / Show Topic

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Sacred Girl …… by Kenya Aissa

SHOW TOPIC: We interview Friend of OCG, Author (and much more) Kenya Aissa about her, and her book, Sacred Girl. The book was inspired by the girls on her Caseload while a Counselor at Daytop California. Sacred Girl is geared towards adolescents, teens, and young women. However, after review, we believe this book is for EVERYONE! There are many collateral subject matters, but the primary subject is Spirituality and looking to speak to those young girls who are spiritually disconnected.

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TREATMENT and RECOVERY: What to do about the “Johnny’s”

Show Topic: Who are the Johnny’s? We are referring to those clients who for many reasons do not receive the peer support and intervention needed during the treatment experience. Often times there may be a chorus developing for the Johnny’s to be discharged from treatment. What’s our responsibility and how should that responsibility manifest itself.

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Show Segments: Recap, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Entitlement and Recovery

Show Topic: Inquiring minds want to know the following: Can a sense of Entitlement be compatible with succeeding in Recovery? Can a sense of Entitlement co-exist with Gratitude? The prevailing attitudes, behaviors, and culture of the day now bring rise to these questions and the impact on ones Recovery process and the facilitation of treatment.

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Show Segments: Recap / News / Sports / Show Topic / Recovery Support Time

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Caving to Cravings

Show Topic: When in recovery, cravings are like your antagonist. Picking at you, bothering you, infiltratiing your dreams, and even traumatizing some to the brink of relapse. Cravings however are a part of the recovery process, that almost everyone has or will experience at some point to varying degrees. How they are dealth with is key to not being overwhelmed by them, and ultimately feeding into them. We’ll discuss some perspectives and methods for dealing with cravings.

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Show Segments: Recap / News / Sports / Show Topic / Recovery Support Time

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Drafting for Recovery Success

SHOW TOPIC: In honor of this years NFL draft coming up Friday we’re holding our own draft. Your humble hosts will each take turns drafting their favorite Unwritten Philosophies that they each deem integral to asuccessful recovery experience.

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SHOW SEGMENTS: Recap/News/Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: You Can’t Heal…….What You Can’t Feel

Show Topic: After we settle in and adjust to the physical demands of treatment we are left with dealing with the man and woman in the mirror. Often times this requires examining traumatic experiences that have negatively impacted our lives. We’ll discuss some of the essential steps that one must take in order to successfully heal from the negative experiences

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Show Segments: Recap / News / Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: Role Models (and Why They’re Important)

Show Topic: How essential is it to have positive Role Models throughout the Treatment and Recovery process? It is extremely essential! It is just as essential and like a Recovery “twin” to surrounding yourself with positive peers. We choose our Role Models versus them being assigned to us. Who we choose and why we choose them says a lot about us. Let’s discuss ……

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Show Segments: Recap, News, Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time

TREATMENT and RECOVERY: The Chronic Relapser

Show Topic: Why do so many addicts experience chronic relapse? Is it just the nature of the beast? Or, is it just their fault for not wanting recovery enough? Or, have we done a disservice to the Chronic Relapser? With the help of a great article by Andrew J. Moynihan, PhD, we’ll try to answer those questions.

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Show Segments: Recap, News, Sports, Show Topic, Recovery Support Time